
Bijay Gurung
1 min readApr 11, 2019


Photo: Roshan

Can we talk about lifey things?
Snuggled in a room, raining outside
Our voices melting into nature’s music;

Can we talk about lifey things?
In a cafe with a plate of pastries
And tiny spoons, that make us go slow and easy;

Can we talk about lifey things?
Sitting among pine trees, up on the hills,
Our minds resonating with the chorus of the birds;

Can we talk about lifey things?
On that late night, long walk home
Bathed in orange, streetlights like mini suns;

Can we talk about lifey things?
With bottles of wine sitting in a corner, undrunk,
Us, sober or maybe drunk on each other’s presence;

Can we talk about lifey things?
In bed and blankets, close to midnight,
With our last thoughts for the day;

Can we talk about lifey things?
On that riverbank where people rest,
And life feels like a short story;

Can we talk about lifey things?
Here, now, wherever we are,
It’s important.

